Our Story

Our story, in a sense, has two beginnings. In 1995, we both started our adventures at the University of Michigan. We passed each other in the cafeteria, saw each other at the computer lab and lived under the same roof. In 1998, we cheered our Wolverines on to a national championship just 5 rows apart. But we didn’t meet until January 2003. It took Yahoo for us to find each other.

A little birdie told Chris to respond to Jason’s ad; it said he was a nice guy, went to the U of M, what is there to lose? It took more than a birdie to tell Jason to respond to Chris’ email – it was his sister. After going out with a few ‘interesting’ women he had met on Yahoo, Jason was ready to take a break. Luckily, Melissa saw Chris’ email and told Jason “You should reply to her!”

Emails were exchanged, getting longer and longer each time. Then came our first phone call, a 7 hour marathon. Our first date was a couple of days later, January 24, 2003, (dinner at Damon’s and seeing “Adaptation”), and we have been together ever since.

Jason proposed to Chris on February 27, 2005, after they had just moved into their new apartment. Surrounded by rose petals and candles, Chris was truly surprised (not an easy feat) when Jason got down on one knee.

We are very excited about May 21, 2006 and to begin our lives as husband and wife!